Macbeth – Act 4, Scene 3 Summary

Act 4, Scene 3

Characters:  Macduff,  Malcolm, Doctor and Rosse

Location: England, a room in the King’s palace,

Events: Malcolm is visited by Macduff. Malcolm is worried, he fears that Macduff might betray him to Macbeth for personal reward. Macduff is saddened that Malcolm thinks this.
To test Macduff’s loyalty, Malcolm pretends to be even harsher and crueler than Macbeth. He pretends to be greedy and lack all the qualities of a king. Macduff finally believes that Malcolm is sinful and rejects him as fit to rule Scotland. Malcolm is reassured of Macduff’s trust and explains that he lied to test his loyalty.

As Malcolm explains that King Edward has the power to cure “the King’s evil”, Rosse arrives to report the latest news from Scotland. Rosse states that Macduff’s family is well and that men are preparing to rebel against Macbeth. Malcolm confirms his plans to invade Scotland with support of the English army. Rosse breaks the news that Macduff’s family has been murdered. Malcolm comforts Macduff.

They leave to prepare for the invasion of Scotland.

Quotes: “Let us seek out some desolate shade and there
Weep our sad bosoms empty” – Malcolm

Macbeth – Act 4, Scene 2 Summary

Act 4 Scene 2

Characters: Lady Macduff, Rosse, Macduff’s Son, Messenger and Murderers

Location: A room in Macduff’s castle, Fife

Events: Lady Macduff tells Rosse that Macduff fleeing to England showed no concern for his family. When Rosse leaves, Lady MD’s son, who refuses to believe the story that his father is dead, asks about traitors. A messenger arrives and warns Lady MD of approaching danger. The murderers burst in and kill the Son and chase after Lady MD.

Quotes: “What, you egg!” – Murderer

Macbeth – Act 4, Scene 1 Summary

Act 4 Scene 1

Characters: Witch 1, Witch 2, Witch 3, Hecate, Macbeth, Apparition 1, Apparition 2, Apparition 3 and Lenox

Location: A dark cave

Events: The witches prepare for their meeting with Macbeth by creating a magic brew. Macbeth arrives and commands the Witches to answer his questions whatever the consequences. The Witches “masters” (Hecate) takes the form of apparitions. The first apparition (an armoured head) warns Macbeth about Macduff, but the second apparition (a bloodied child) reassures him that he cannot be harmed by any man who was born by a woman. With his suspicions confirmed, Macbeth vows to kill Macduff. A third  apparition appears (a child wearing crown) and tells him that he will not be defeated until Birnam wood comes to Dunsinane.
At Macbeth’s insistence to know whether Banquo’s son becomes king, the Witches show a procession of eight kings with Banquo at the end.
The Witches disappear and Lenox arrives to report that Macduff has fled to England. Macbeth decides to attack Macduff’s family while he is away.

Quotes: “Double, double, toil and trouble: Fire, burn; and cauldron, bubble.” – All the witches

“Be bloody, bold and resolute: laugh to scorn the power of man, for none of woman born shall harm Macbeth” – Apparition 2

Macbeth – Act 3, Scene 6 Summary

Act 3 Scene 6

Characters: Lenox and a Lord

Location: Somewhere in Scotland

Events: Lenox voices his suspicions to the Lord about Duncan and Banquo’s deaths. Lenox sarcastically recounts the events. The Lord reports that Malcolm is with the King of England, and that Macduff has gone there to find support to bring Macbeth down.

Quotes: May soon returned to this our suffering country under a hand accursed!” – Lenox

Macbeth – Act 3, Scene 5 Summary

Act 3 Scene 5

Characters: Witch 1, Witch 2, Witch 3 and Hecate

Location: A heath

Events: Hecate rebukes the Witches for not involving her in their dealings with Macbeth in a soliloquy. Hecate vows to lead Macbeth to his destruction.

Quotes: “How did you dare to trade and traffic with Macbeth, in riddles, and affairs of death;” – Hecate

Macbeth – Act 3, Scene 4 Summary

Act 3 Scene 4

Characters: Macbeth, Murderer 1, Lady Macbeth, Rosse, Lenox, Lords and Attendants

Location: A room in the palace

Events: The feast takes place and everyone is seated. Murderer 1 is standing by the door with blood on his face, the murderer confirms Banquo’s death and tells that Fleance has escaped to Macbeth. He returns to the feast and pretends  to be upset at Banquo’s absence, but he then sees Banquo’s ghost sitting in his chair. Lady Macbeth tries to reassure the guests that her husband’s behaviour is nothing to worry about and it regularly happens.
Lady MB takes Macbeth aside and scolds him. MB apologises to the guests, Lady MB tells the guests to leave in fear that MB will reveal that they killed Banquo.
Macbeth wonders why Macduff didn’t attend the feast.

Quotes: ‘T is better thee without, than he within.” – Macbeth


Macbeth – Act 3 Scene 3 Summary

Act 3 Scene 3

Characters: Murderer 1, Murderer 2, Murderer 3, Banquo and Fleance

Location: A road leading to the Palace.

Events: Two murderers await Banquo and Fleance to ambush. They are soon joined by a third sent by Macbeth. The murderers spot a light approaching and prepare to kill them. Murderer 1 puts out the light while the other two assault Banquo, he shouts to Fleance to run away. Banquo dies, while Fleance manages to escape.

Quotes: “O, treachery! Fly, good Fleance, fly fly fly!” – Banquo

Macbeth – Act 3, Scene 2 Summary

Act 3 Scene 2

Characters: Lady Macbeth, Macbeth and Servant

Location: A room in the castle

Events: The plan is arranged for Banquo and Fleance to be murdered before the banquet takes place.  Macbeth is wary of the consequences of killing Banquo and Fleance. A banquet is being held to celebrate Macbeth becoming King, close friends and noblemen have been invited.

Quotes: “O! full of scorpions is my mind, dear wife!” – Macbeth

Macbeth – Act 3, Scene 1 Summary

Act 3 Scene 1

Characters: Banquo, Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, Attendant, 1 Murderer, 2 Murderer

Location: Forres. A room in the palace.

Events: Macbeth has been crowned King of Scotland. He plans on having a large feast (party) with all his friends and family, including Banquo. Banquo is suspicious of Macbeth and his involvement with Duncan’s death because he was there when the witches told him that he would be King. Macbeth meets with two murderers to arrange to kill Banquo.

Quotes: It is concluded: Banquo, thy soul’s flight, If it find heaven, must find it out tonight” – Macbeth

Macbeth – Act 2, Scene 4 Summary

Act 2 Scene 4

Characters: Old man, Rosse and Macduff

Location: Outside Macbeth’s castle

Events: Macduff believes that Malcolm and Donalbain bribed the guards to kill Duncan, because they fled the scene so quickly. Macduff reports that Duncan’s body has been carried to Colme-kill. Macduff says he is travelling to Fife, Rosse decides he will follow him there.

Quotes: That would make good of bad, and friends of foes” – Old man

Colme-kill is the place where kings are buried.